Blog Archive

09 July 2013

A sad story.

Some of my readers may have noticed an unusually obsessive "fan" on my Google+ page for  +Wolfram: A Gothic Parable.  He posted a lot of My Little Pony-related crossovers on my Ordnung von Wolfram community, and it seems like I was the only one who interacted with him.

So it's confession time:  I was experimenting with an alternate persona called "Sparky 3. 1337" so that I could be a fan of My Little Pony and not show it to those who might laugh at me in person.  It all blew up in my face when some of the people I added to my circles (well, actually just two) sent me private messages that I would never have gotten from people I actually know.  That's all I'll say about it.

I've kept some of the fan art I made under that persona, and I'm posting it here because however much of a mistake it may have been to try to split my persona, the art I made was actually not so terrible.

And by the way, I've deleted Sparky 3. 1337 and pretty much given up MLP for as long as I still have the presence of mind to remember why I left that fandom.

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