Blog Archive

02 June 2016

A few recent works

"Cow Cuddles"
Formatted to the exact dimensions of my MacBook Pro screen.
(1440 x 900 pixels)

Karsten takes a nap next to a cow.  Created at the suggestion of +Emperor Kraglint (Craig Wilson), an author with whom I have the occasional coffee meeting.

"The Many Faces of Isolda Steinbrecher"
Also formatted to the dimensions of my computer screen.

Feel free to use them both as desktop backgrounds, if it floats your boat to do so.

 "Shared Solitude"
Not formatted to specific dimensions or resolution.

The following are from a year or so ago.
 I was planning to apply for employment at an animation studio, or at least to add them to my portfolio.
 There were going to be a lot more panels...
 ...a lot more of them.
They were for the opening scene of J.R.R. Tolkein's children's story Roverandom.

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