Blog Archive

10 August 2017

The wary bovine

Now, if you know me, you know my specialties in drawing are wolves and cows.  I also draw a lot of humans, and I dabble in drawing sheep, cats, and other creatures, but mostly it's cows and wolves.

Okay, so it's overwhelmingly wolves.  So here are some cows for a change: purple, Holstein, and Hereford, along with the original line drawing.

These three are, of course, built on the same line work.  All these designs are exported from the same file, with each pattern being an individual layer that can be turned on or off.

I also have a solid color filling in positive space in its own layer for a basically-designed cow with no spots, as the purple one is made.

You may also notice the shading, which is achieved once again with a separate layer using the airbrush tool and the blending toggle set to "Multiply"  Since this is made in Clip Studio Paint, I can tweak the color of the shading.  You might notice a difference between the shadows on the Hereford and Holstein designs.  The Holstein's shadows are slightly blue and the Hereford's are slightly purplish.

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