Blog Archive

10 December 2008

Random end-of-the-semester thoughts...

Ohai!  It's time for my "end-of-the-semester" report!

It's nearing the end of the semester... and looking back on it...


actually, I don't wanna look back on it.  I didn't have an easy semester at EMU, and my comic itself is suffering.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.  I'd like to post my comics in order, and I can't post at home easily, and the first comic of a certain plot arc is there.  I need to get it on my thumb drive to take to school.

So, the semester...

Let's see: I dropped out of a Life Drawing class early in the semester and got a W grade for it, for example...  I wanted (sooo badly) to drop out of my German class, 'cause it just wasn't working for me, but by the time I was considering it, it was way too late; plus, my family dissuaded me.


I've changed my minor to Creative Writing, since German wasn't going to cut it for me.

I got a C- for a presentation I gave in German Lit class...  I think I deserved to flunk it, personally.  And I totally didn't give a first one.  (We were required to give two 10-minute presentations, and I gave just a 5-minute one--eghch!)


Anyway, I've got a Writing class this afternoon which is, actually, enjoyable for me; and I'm excited about all the classes being over...I don't hate the exams, because I test well.

Also, I had some emo-problems this semester, but I'm doing okay now, which may be due, in part, to the addition of fish oil to my diet.

I think I'm going to start a new personal tradition... near the end of every semester, I will change my profile pic.  I just did that today, as one might notice (who follows my blog <zum Beispiel: Jacob and Marty, plus a few others!>)

As for the projects I enjoyed, I'd have to say one was making a comic for a blog to be read by peers in my writing class (click to see it here! not available via search engines!).  I briefly co-authored a comic panel with my pals called People for the Ethical Treatment of Students (or "P.E.T.S."), which ended after two publications.  It was a fun experiment.  My last comic of the newspaper was pretty good, too.  I'll leave you with this festive, jolly, and seasonal letter from Dr. Milkcowski!

End of end-of-the-semester report!
Spyke (.o:) out.

Oh, yeah... Merry Christmas, everybody!


Jake said...

Yo. So, it may have felt like a rough semester, but I think a creative writing minor is going to be really good for you. It is going to help your comics immensely in the long-run, both in your short strips and when you entertain the idea of writing graphic novel/comic book-style. Since it seems like you are enjoying your class in it, it is probably a better fit for you, anyhow. You've got an adequate knowledge of German... you don't need a degree in it to be proficient if you ever decided to spend time in Germany. Meanwhile, art and writing are going to play a very important role in your career.

As for your latest comic, the first two panels were decent (maybe missing the punch, slightly), but the last one was wonderful in its subtle pop-culture reference. That's one of the things you're really good with. The cat saying "lol"... took me a minute to catch the reference, but once I did, I really laughed out loud. Keep it up, bud.

Eric Muntz said...

Ya, well, I haven't taken a Creative Writing course yet; the one I'm taking was just "Writing in a Changing World."

Anyway, yeah, a lot of the German population can speak foreign languages, English (I think) being one of the more popular ones to learn. I hope I can get some mileage on my "globe-trotting" sometime. As it is, I don't quite know what I was going to do with German anyway.

Thanks for the feedback! It was very encouraging.

Spyke .o: (or, as you know me, "Eric")
