Blog Archive

05 February 2010

The "Gag" as Process:

This is just to show what it sometimes takes to create a comic that (hopefully) most people will enjoy.
So, here we have a rough draft of the joke.

If I'm concerned that the content might be misunderstood, or is too esoteric, I usually send a copy to the rough draft to a friend or two via email and wait for them to come on to chat.

In this case, Sojourner Jake told me that the inclusion of "Christian" in the description of the comic seems to question whether a work of art really can be Christian at all.

Elijah Hendrickson felt that the parenthetical phrase was too much of a wink at the audience (to use a phrase my Drama teacher last semester taught me--those weren't Elijah's exact words) and it fails to do a good job at getting laughs.

I took both suggestions pretty seriously:
copyright 2010 by Eric Muntz
first published 1. Feb 2010

I think I used too little black space in this one.  And I changed Little Johnny's side joke a little.

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