Blog Archive

03 February 2010

The Honeymoon

copyright 2010 by Eric Muntz
first published 7. Jan 2010 in the Eastern Echo

Stop one of the honeymoon:
the farm.

Uh-huh, poor planning prevents proper playtime.

copyright 2010 by Eric Muntz
first published 11. Jan 2010 in the Eastern Echo

copyright 2010 by Eric Muntz
first published 14. Jan 2010 in the Eastern Echo

Stop two:
in the middle of January.

Where Little Johnny manages to make a fool of himself in front of Rex, a very distant relative...
who, by the way, was inspired in small part by my Alan and Danielle Muntz's (and Samantha's too, of course) husky-Australian shepherd mix.
He's got real personality.

copyright 2010 by Eric Muntz
first published 21. Jan 2010 in the Eastern Echo

copyright 2010 by Eric Muntz
first published 25. Jan 2010 in the Eastern Echo

Stop three:
the Pound
where something wonderful is going to happen (off the record).

Have you ever walked out to your car and wondered where in the heck you put your keys, and you search the buildings you've been in, and you can't figure it out, then you check in one of your more secluded pockets, and you find your keys?
Gosh I hate that!

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