Blog Archive

24 January 2010

Cliffhanger for my Echo readers!

Keep in mind, when you see this, that it was published just before the end of the FALL2009 semester...

copyright 2009 by Eric Muntz
first published 17. Dec 2009 in the Eastern Echo

Ran this idea by Sojourner Jake before I actually made it.. He helped me to iron out some lack of clarity that was in the original script.  When I sent it out, I received both his and my editor's stamp of approval.

I'm wondering if I should label all comics with the word "pregnant" in them as "PG."  You know, for "Parental Guidance," not "PreGnancy."  I know, it's a stupid joke to tell in the text.  I'm sorry...I'm not gonna hit backspace just yet, but I'm sorry for the stupid joke.

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